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Confined Space Hazard Awareness

A Confined Space is defined as a place this is:

  • Partially or fully enclosed

  • Not designed/constructed for continuous human occupancy

  • Where atmospheric hazards may occur.

Confined spaces on construction projects are regulated under Regulation 632, as of July 1, 2011

Employers shall develop a written site specific confined space assessment and safe work plan that meets the requirements of Regulation 632-Confinded Spaces before any worker can enter a confined space. The assessment and plan must be reviewed on site with all the workers involved in doing confined space work.

This Training is for:

Any workers involved with working in/around a Confined Space are required to have participant knowledge and if entering or assisting. Those entering the Space must first have this awareness training prior to participating in a Confined space entry training. 

This course teaches participants:

  • The Definition of a Confined Space and Identification

  • Hazards of working in a Confined Space

  • Types of dangerous atmospheres

  • Assessment and controls

  • Legal requirements

  • Monitoring protocols

  • Entry Permit systems.

Note: All workers involved with working in a Confined Space must also complete a review of the Site specific Confined Space Assessment, Plan and/or Program.

Suggested Expiry: 3 years

DURATION: Approximately 3-4hrs of in class participation.


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